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February: A short month and a full set of features

AUTHOR: Kinde team

Notice anything different about us? We’ve updated the page and menu design of the Kinde admin area. The navigation is more reliable (back goes back, home goes home - finally!), plus some nice little icons and more consistent stylings. Sign in to see the changes.

Execute your own code with workflows

Out of beta any minute now, everyone will be able to access workflows to manage token payload, trigger system interactions, and execute code when triggered by Kinde events. There’s four triggers to start with, but we will be adding more. Watch a video demo.

Home page status alerts

Because of workflows, we’ve added status information to the home page of the Kinde dashboard. This will alert you if anything is wrong with a code sync or workflow status.

Manage organization logos via API, plus logo fallback

You can now upload a log for Kinde organizations via API. You can use this feature to allow business customers (orgs) to upload their own logo. If a logo can’t be shown for an org, the org name will appear as a fallback.

Set email sender details per organization

Leveraging your SMTP email provider setup, you can now also set email details at the organization level. You need to be on a Scale plan to use this feature. Learn more.

Microsoft 365 connected app for calendar sync

You can now add M365 as a connected app and enable the calendar connection. This lets your users add to their calendar through your app. Set it up.

Control presentation of SSO sign in

You can now choose to show or hide the SSO button for specific enterprise connections, or show a single SSO button for all connections. Used with home realm domain routing, you can make SSO sign on a seamless experience. Find out how.

Search for users via the Kinde Management API

You can now search and filter users via API, and refine the results by properties and other attributes. Start a search.

SDK updates

New packages and docs for Next.js, Ruby, iOS. Look out for a major React update coming soon.

Kinde Management API changes

There were multiple updates and additions to endpoints, including custom auth per org, MFA, logo management, and expanded user queries. Go to API docs.

Billing update

While we have swarmed on the above features and some performance tasks this month, we are determined to get a billing beta in people’s hands as soon as possible. Keep your ear out for updates in a couple of weeks. We will blast all our channels as soon as we have news.

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