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More for orgs in August

AUTHOR: The Kinde team

We’re not slowing down on features. Here’s what went out in August.

Organization-level multi-factor authentication

We’re giving you even more control of who you can activate MFA for in your business and organizations. You can now:

  • Enable MFA for a whole organization

  • Enable MFA via roles

  • Enable MFA for non-enterprise connections

Learn all about it.

Organization-level custom domains

Now every organization you have can use a custom domain. This supports the scenario where you’re hosting separate sites for each organization customer you have, and you want the organization domain to appear in the auth screen. Set it up now.

Smoother sign-up to organizations

We’ve improved user access to organizations. You can now select whether users can sign up directly to an org and allow seamless authentication for users from certain domains. Learn more.

Attack protection

Kinde ships with sensible defaults to keep your product protected without you needing to do anything, but there are now some things you can configure. For example, set how many attempts users get before they are locked out, and set how long they are locked out for. Configure it now.

Kinde API scope security

For a more efficient and secure experience using Kinde’s API, you must now request the specific scopes you want to include in a token as part of your application configuration. This applies to any new applications you add, and to any new scopes we make available. We support all existing token requests from existing applications. Add an M2M application.

Discord connected app

You can now connect Discord to Kinde as a connected app. Add it now.

Other API updates

We’ve added new endpoints for managing members of organizations and your applications.

Introducing Kinde Insiders

Kinde Insiders are members of our Discord community who’ve agreed to lurk in our support chatrooms, and jump into conversations when they know they can help. They understand what it’s like to build complex products and are experienced Kinde users. The Kinde team is still always here to support the community, we’ve just added more ways to help. Join us in Discord.

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