The Kinde team
SvelteKit SDK
SDK Highly requested

The year ends, but the features don’t

AUTHOR: The Kinde team

Here’s what we’ve shipped in December, and a teaser for the new year.

New SvelteKit SDK and other SDK updates

This month we added the highly requested SvelteKit SDK and updated these SDKs: iOS, ReactNative, .NET, TypeScript, and NextJS.

Security and infrastructure changes

We’ve made a heap of recent security and infrastructure updates to ensure your data is always safe and our systems can handle increased user loads with ease. We’ve also created a security guide for SaaS teams.

Coming in Q1 2024


Providing Kinde customers with the ability to bill their customers is high on our list to deliver in the new year. It will include plan building, pricing, subscription management, and more. It’s a complex area to develop and we want to make sure we get it right. Sign up for early access.

Faceless authentication (a step toward headless auth)

You’ll be able to bring your own custom sign up and sign in screens to use with Kinde. We’ve called it ‘faceless’ - because you’ll still use a bit of the Kinde auth UI so it’s not technically headless - but you can bypass our main screens and present your own designs to users.


Webhooks facilitate data synchronization and notifications between applications and services. Kinde webhooks will allow you to create triggers and push event data to other systems. Data will be sent using HTTPS REST calls to verified external URLs.

Custom data for users and organizations 🤵🏼

With our new ‘properties’ feature, you will be able to store your own user and organization data in Kinde. Properties are single fields or data points, some of which are provided by Kinde (e.g. email, name), and others that you create yourself (e.g. screen name, preferences). Properties can be used to just store custom information, or can be used to pass specific information in tokens.

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Did you know you can subscribe to items on our roadmap? Find out first when the features you want are available to use! View the roadmap.

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Join the Kinde community on Slack or the Kinde community on Discord for support and advice from our team and others working with Kinde.

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